Security Measures

Last modified: January 13, 2022


Everfit cares deeply about the security and privacy of your data. We try our best to meet all applicable legal requirements for security measures, including GDPR and CCPA. Below, you will find some general information on how we implement our security and privacy safeguards.


Everfit Security Measures


  • Everfit employs a range of technical security measures to protect its systems, including:
  • Everfit runs on Amazon Web Service’s (AWS) infrastructure, using best-in-class tools that continuously monitor the infrastructure to detect any signs of a potential compromise.
  • Encryption technology is used to provide security for online user authentication and administrator sessions.
  • Changes to the infrastructure and back-end environment, including changes to security tools, follow a Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) that defines coding and release processes.
  • Servers and network traffic are monitored by industry-standard tools to detect and respond to any potential security breaches.
  • All committed code changes are reviewed by an individual that is different than the developer and are tested prior to commit to production.
  • Passwords are configured to establish password complexity and length.
  • TLS encryption is part of the standard security architecture at Everfit. Core transport services require encryption, such as SSH or HTTPS, to exchange information.
  • Unique personnel IDs are used to authenticate to systems.
  • Login history, access, and failures are tracked.


Responsible Disclosure

If you come across a security vulnerability in the Everfit Platform, instead of sharing it publicly, please email Everfit always takes steps to stay ahead of emerging security threats and appreciates your help in maintaining the security of our Platform.

If you are seeing suspicious activity in your account or believe the security of your account has been compromised, you should change your password immediately and contact with any concerns.